How Prevents Your Data Loss?

How Prevents Your Data Loss? 

Cyber Radar Systems provides business-enhancing data loss prevention solutions and services that will safeguard your data from potential continuous data hacks.

We have a 3-dimensional policy to protect your data all the time.

CIA- Confidentiality, Integrity & Availability

Confidentiality We protect your data from unauthorized access gaining across to an organization’s data without permission

Integrity Data Integrity as a process describes measures used to ensure the validity and accuracy of a data set or all data.

Availability We ensure the availability of data that your business needs to function is always accessible when and where required.

  • Theft, Hacking & Internal Threats
  • Manage Risk Across Entire Systems
  • Data Discovery and Security
  • Sensitive Data Loss Prevention Formula

What Motivates The Attacker For Security Breaching?

There may or may not be a selfish motive within the attacker or hacker which leads him to attack and breach a system or software. As the market has shifted to computer systems and networks, companies find it easy now to get information about their competitor/s. Hackers or attackers are highly paid to breach in the data of other companies or organizations to defame them or to know the internal information which gives them a lead in the competition. Even national security experts hire hackers to know the information about other countries and decode any planning or plotting going against them.

What Could Be The Impact Of Security Breaches?

Data breaches can cause serious damages to an organization. The biggest loss could be the loss of name, fame, image, and identity which further can reduce sales resulting in revenue losses. In the year 2003, the total revenue loss due to cyberattacks was $ 226 billion. This increased the hunt for data loss prevention services and cybersecurity services

Data Loss Prevention Services

Data Loss Prevention services are designed to protect a system or software from data loss and keeping sensitive data safe and sound. Companies invest a huge amount of money and manpower to protect their data from falling into the hands of their competitors.

Cyber Security Services

Cybersecurity services are for protection against cyber attacks or hacking which may lead to data leaking or breaching.

Data Loss Prevention Services and Cybersecurity Services, both are the need of the hour. To prevent the data and secure the systems, networks, software and applications, every organization needs to strengthen its cybersecurity. All this could easily be done by Novoshield DLP. Read More about How Novoshield DLP Prevents Your Data Loss.


  1. It's great to see a proactive approach to data protection like Cyber Radar Systems' CIA-based policy. In the current environment, where data breaches can have major effects, a focus on confidentiality, integrity, and availability makes sense. It is exciting to learn about the various causes of security breaches .Services like Novoshield DLP seem to be in high demand in this susceptible digital world. Any organisation wishing to protect its priceless data assets would be sensible to strengthen cybersecurity in CA.


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